3 research outputs found

    Regularity of Tor for weakly stable ideals

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    It is proved that if II and JJ are weakly stable ideals in a polynomial ring R=k[x1,…,xn]R=k[x_1,\ldots,x_n], with kk a field, then the regularity of ToriR(R/I,R/J)\text{Tor}^R_i(R/I,R/J) has the expected upper bound. We also give a bound for the regularity of ExtRi(R/I,R)\text{Ext}_R^i(R/I,R) for II a weakly stable ideal

    Rainbow Free Colorings and Rainbow Numbers for x−y=z2x-y=z^2

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    An exact r-coloring of a set SS is a surjective function c:S→{1,2,…,r}c:S \rightarrow \{1, 2, \ldots,r\}. A rainbow solution to an equation over SS is a solution such that all components are a different color. We prove that every 3-coloring of N\mathbb{N} with an upper density greater than (4s−1)/(3⋅4s)(4^s-1)/(3 \cdot 4^s) contains a rainbow solution to x−y=zkx-y=z^k. The rainbow number for an equation in the set SS is the smallest integer rr such that every exact rr-coloring has a rainbow solution. We compute the rainbow numbers of Zp\mathbb{Z}_p for the equation x−y=zkx-y=z^k, where pp is prime and k≥2k\geq 2